
To Construction and Standardization of the Waiting Anxiety Questionnaire (WAQ) in Iran


Objective: This study aimed to develop and validate a questionnaire to measure waiting anxiety .
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. Extensive review of literature and expert opinions were used to develop and validate the waiting anxiety questionnaire. A sample of 321 participants was recruited through random cluster sampling (n= 190 Iranian men and n= 131 women). The participants filled out WAQ, the Speilberger‘s State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Burtner Rating scale (BRS) and Eysenk Personality questionnaire (EPQ) for adults .
Results: Internal consistency of WAQ was revealed, meaning that all the 20 items were highly correlated with the total score. The Cronbach alpha equaled 0.83 for the Waiting Anxiety Questionnaire . The Pearson correlation coefficient of the questionnaire with the STAI, BRS and extraversion and neuroticism subscales of EPQ was 0.65, 0.78, - 0.47 and 0.43, respectively, which confirmed its convergent and divergent validity. Factors analysis extracting four cognitive, behavior l, sentimental and physiological factors could explain 67% of the total variance with an Eigen value of greater than 1.
Conclusion: Our findings suggest that WAQ possesses appropriate validity and reliability to measure the individuals’ anxiety during the waiting time .

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Construction Waiting Anxiety Questionnaire reliability validity

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Tavakkoli S, Saffarinia M, Asaadi MM, Norouzi Javidan A, Hajiaghababaei M. To Construction and Standardization of the Waiting Anxiety Questionnaire (WAQ) in Iran. Iran J Psychiatry. 1;9(3):163-8.