
Prevalence of Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Adult ADHD): Tabriz


Objective: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults (adult ADHD) is gaining more attention nowadays. Nevertheless, very few studies have addressed this issue in Iran. The present study was conducted to determine the prevalence of adult ADHD in Tabriz, North-West of Iran.
Methods: Four hundred urban inhabitants of Tabriz- with a
n age range of 18 to 45 years were selected through the probability proportional to size cluster sampling in 2009. The screening was performed by Conner's Adult ADHD Rating Scale, and the definite diagnosis of Adult ADHD was performed via clinical interview according to DSM-IV-TR andWender Utah criteria.
The prevalence of adult ADHD was estimated to be 3.8%. Men when compared with women were more likely to have ADHD (5.5 % in men versus 2 % in women). Marital status, birth order, educational level and occupational status showed no significant association with adult ADHD. History of psychiatric treatment, alcohol drinking and smoking had similar relative frequency in subjects with and without adult ADHD.
Conclusion: The prevalence of adult ADHD in this region of Iran seems to be substantially higher than expected or treated. This would require more attention to be drawn by health sector managers in order to improve the knowledge of the general population and the knowledge of the health care professionals about the disorder.

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder adulthood epidemiology prevalence

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Amiri S, Ghoreishizadeh MA, Sadeghi-Bazargani H, Jonggoo M, Golmirzaei J, Abdi S, Safikhanlo S, Asadollahi A. Prevalence of Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Adult ADHD): Tabriz. Iran J Psychiatry. 1;9(2):83-8.