The Relationship of General Health, Hardiness and Spiritual Intelligence Relationship in Iranian Nurses
Objective: Nursing is one of the stressful jobs that affect nurse's well-being. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between spiritual intelligence, hardiness and well-being among Iranian nurses.
Methods: Samples of this cross- sectional study selected by Randomized stratified sampling, 125 nurses who have been working in different wards of Bushehr university hospitals. Data were collected using spiritual intelligence, hardiness, well-being and demographic characteristics questionnaires. Correlation, t-test, ANOVA, Tukey and regression analysis were applied.
Results: The results revealed a significant relationship between spiritual intelligence and hardiness, spiritual intelligence and well-being, Hardiness and well-being. It also showed that among the demographic characteristics (age, gender, working ward, marital status, job experiences, and education) working ward significantly correlated with spiritual intelligence.
Conclusion: Improvement of spiritual intelligence and reinforcement of hardiness could help increase the well-being of nurses.
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Issue | Vol 8 No 4 (2013) | |
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Hardiness Nurses Spirituality well-being |
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