Job Burnout and Related Factors among Health Sector Employees
Objective: Job burnout can cause physical and psychological damage and reduce job efficiency, especially in difficult jobs such as health care fields. This study aimed to assess the association between the level of job burnout and some contributing factors among health care providers in Iran.
Method: This study was performed on the data derived from 1807 participants from the first phase of the employees’ health cohort in 2017-2018. The data were collected using as a self-administrated tool utilizing Maslach Burnout Inventory. The questionnaire scores ranged from never to everyday, with 3 levels of burnout as well as burnout itself; then, the scores were categorized as low, moderate, or high. Ordinal logistic regression model was used to adjust ordinal dependent variables.
Results: The mean score of the total burnout was 16.5±7.77 and was associated with work experience and age group (p < 0.001). The components of burnout consisted of emotional exhaustion (8.9± 9.0), depersonalization (23± 2.9), and personal accomplishment (34± 8.6). Emotional exhaustion was related to sex (less among males, OR=0.48) and type of job (less among officials compared to health care staff, OR=0.488). Composite burnout was more common among younger staff (OR= 3.85). Depersonalization was associated with duty shift workers (OR=2.42).
Conclusion: Job burnout is a major concern, and lack of personal accomplishment, as a component of burnout, was highly prevalent among Iranian health care employees. Being a single woman, health care provider, and having more than 20 years of work experience with a duty shift were contributing factors for burnout experience. Monitoring symptoms of burnout and its associated factors in the workplace and proposing an alternative organizational and behavioral system and sharing it with relevant authorities may help prevent or reduce job burnout and its deleterious effects.
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Associated Factors Burnout Employees Health Care |
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