Addiction Recovery: A Systematized Review
Objective: Despite the fact that a practical definition of addiction recovery is necessary to conduct an appropriate intervention and research, this concept is still vague and there is no consensus over its meaning and how to measure it. Thus, this study aimed to define and clarify this concept based on the available literature.
Method: The theoretical part of Schwartz_Barcott and Kim’s Hybrid Model of concept analysis was used to analyze the concept of “Addiction Recovery.” To find the relevant literature, an electronic search on valid databases was conducted using keywords related to the concept of addiction recovery. Medlib, IranMedex, Magiran, SID, Irandoc, Google Scholar, PubMed, Web of Science, Medline, Scopus, Pro Quest, CINAHL, Science Direct, Ovid, and Wiley databases were searched up to December 2018 without a time limitation using the following keywords: “Substance use disorders”, “Drug use”, “Recovery”, “Opioids”, “Addiction treatment”, “Dependency”, “Rehabilitation”, Remission”, “Concept analysis”, “Restore”, “Definition”, “Meaning”, and “Conceptualization”. The Conventional content analysis was used on selected research articles.
Results: From a total of 9520 articles, 39 were reviewed and analyzed. Five attributes were selected, including the process of change, being holistic, being client-centric, learning healthy coping, and being multistage. Antecedents are organized into 2 interacting categories: personal and social resources. Personal resources refer to the person, his/her addiction, and the treatment characteristics, while social resources refer to the family, the community, and the context resources. Addiction recovery leads to sustained abstinence, improved physical and psychological health, improved quality of life and satisfaction, meaningful living, and citizenship.
Conclusion: These findings may form a basis for the theories, scales, and criteria for the assessment of addiction recovery and will be useful in clinical practices and research. Also, these findings could help health care professionals to understand the concept of addiction recovery, which is important in improving the recovering person in all aspects of rehabilitation. We will report the implementation and analytical phase of this research project, namely, “the addiction recovery concept analysis” in Iran.
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Issue | Vol 15 No 2 (2020) | |
Section | Review Article(s) | |
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Concept Analysis Definition Recovery Recovered Substance Use Disorders |
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