Psychometric Properties of the Farsi Version of Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory (F-ECBI) in Iranian Population
Objective: Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory (ECBI) is one of the most frequently used tools for measuring behavioral problems; however, no research has been done to evaluate its psychometric properties in Iran.
Method: The present study sought for exploring the factor structure and psychometric properties of the F-ECBI in an Iranian sample. A total of 495 mothers (mean age = 33.83 years; SD = 4.78) who reported behavioral problems in their children aged 3 to 12 years (mean age = 6.36 years; SD = 2.66) were selected via convenience sampling in 2018-2019. The psychometric properties of F-ECBI, including reliability (Cronbach’s alpha) and validity (exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, and convergent validity) were assessed using SPSS version 25 and LISREL 8.80.
Results: By performing EFA on the first sample part (n = 360), the examination of scree plot supported a 3-factor or 4-factor solution, and pattern matrix resulted in a 3-factor structure. The factors were called as “behavioral problems related to oppositional defiant”, “behavioral problems related to inattentive”, and “behavioral problems related to conduct”, according to their content and the research. CFA was performed on the second part of the sample (n = 135) to test the fitness of the 3-factor solution. According to CFI (0.91), NFI (0.91), NNFI (0.90), IFI (0.91), PNFI (0.77), GFI (0.75) AGFI (0.70), PGFI (0.62) and chi-square (540.31) indexes, the model had acceptable fitness. Cronbach's alpha was employed to measure the internal consistency and it revealed to be at a good to excellent level (behavioral problems related to oppositional defiant = 0.88; behavioral problems related to inattentive = 0.84; behavioral problems related to conduct = 0.74). The 3-factors subscales were associated with total difficulties, internalizing and externalizing SDQ, indicating the good convergent validity of F-ECBI.
Conclusion: The F-ECBI has good psychometric properties in Iran and can be employed as a useful instrument for measuring children's behavioral problems.
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Issue | Vol 15 No 4 (2020) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
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PMCID | PMC7610066 | |
PMID | 33240383 | |
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Behavior Problems Children Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory Iran Psychometric Properties Parent Reports |
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