
Estimates of Self, Parental and Partner Multiple Intelligences in Iran: A replication and extension


Two hundred and fifty-eight Iranian university students estimated their own, parents', and partners' overall (general) intelligence, and also estimated 13 'multiple intelligences' on a simple, two-page questionnaire which was previously used in many similar studies. In accordance with previous research, men rated themselves higher than women on logical-mathematical, spatial and musical intelligence. There were, however, no sex differences in ratings of parental and partner multiple intelligences, which is inconsistent with the extant literature. Participants also believed that they were more intelligent than their parents and partners, and that their fathers were more intelligent than their mothers. Multiple regressions indicated that participants' Big Five personality typologies and test experience were significant predictors of self-estimated intelligence. These results are discussed in terms of the cross-cultural literature in the field. Implications of the results are also considered.

IssueVol 7 No 2 (2012) QRcode
Intelligence Iran Parents Partner Self Assessment

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How to Cite
Furnham A, Kosari A, Swami V. Estimates of Self, Parental and Partner Multiple Intelligences in Iran: A replication and extension. Iran J Psychiatry. 1;7(2):66-73.