Social Media Use and Sleep Disturbance among Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study
Objective: Recently, social media use has become prevalent in the daily lives of many adolescents. This study was performed to address adolescents’ sleep quality and depression in relation to social media use.
Method: This cross-sectional cluster-sampling study was directed on 576 high school students in 2019 in Hamadan, Iran. Three standard self-reported questionnaires were used for recording sleep patterns (Pittsburgh Sleep Questionnaire Index (PSQI)), depression (Beck), and Electronic Media Use. Data was analyzed using SPSS. P-values less than 0.05 were considered as being significant.
Results: Among the adolescents 290 (50.3%) were female and the age median was 17. The average time of all Smart devices used was 7.5±4.4 hours per day. Among all students 62.3 % (359) said that they had their cell phone on in their bedroom when they sleep. In boys, the amount of social media use was significantly more than girls and poor sleep quality had a statically significant relationship with social media use (P-Value = 0.02). Additionally, there was a reverse correlation between the average use of electronic devices and sleep duration (Spearman’s rho = 0.17; P-Value = 0.03), and a direct correlation between the average use in social media and depression (Spearman’s rho = 0.171; P-Value < 0.001).
Conclusion: In this important age group a high level of electronic devices use and its relationship with sleep quality, daily dysfunction, sleep duration and depression is worthy of issue awareness among health managers, parents and teachers for providing interventional programs, based on standard updated guidelines, in order to reduce the problem and familiarize adolescents and their parents, at home or school, with restrictions on using devices to view and participate in social media.
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Issue | Vol 16 No 2 (2021) | |
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Adolescent Sleep Disturbance Social Media |
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