The Effectiveness of Auriculotherapy on Women's Sexual Function: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Objective: Majority of breastfeeding women experience changes in sexual function. The present study was designed to assess effectiveness of auriculotherapy on improving sexual function in breastfeeding women.
Method: In this randomized sham controlled trial, accomplished from January 2018 to May 2019 in a referral sexual health clinic in city of Qom, Iran, 60 eligible participants were assigned to either intervention and control groups via block randomization. In the intervention group, electrical stimulation was applied for 15 seconds on Shen Men, Zero, Thalamic, Master Cerebral, Libido, Relax, Excitement, Ovary, and Uterus points in 10 auriculotherapy sessions. Then, Vaccaria seeds were stuck on these points. The control group received the same procedure with the device off as a sham method. Data were gathered using the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) at three different time points.
Results: At baseline, mean scores of sexual function dimensions were not significantly different between the intervention and control groups except for orgasm. Post-intervention, the results showed significant differences in sexual desire (P = 0.002), sexual arousal (P = 0.008), lubrication (P = 0.001), sexual satisfaction (P = 0.001), and orgasm (P = 0.009). One month after the intervention, the results showed significant differences in sexual desire, sexual arousal, lubrication, sexual satisfaction (P = 0.001), orgasm (P = 0.006), and dyspareunia (P = 0.015). Differences in mean score of sexual function in post-intervention and one-month follow-up were only significant in the intervention group (P = 0.001).
Conclusion: Based on evidence from this study, auriculotherapy is an effective technique for improving sexual function in breastfeeding women.
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Auriculotherapy Breast Feeding Sexual Activity Women |
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