Prevalence, Incidence and Health Impacts of Sleep Disorders on Coronary Artery Disease Risk Factors: Results of a Community-Based Cohort Study (KERCADRS)
Objective: Sleep disorders are associated with many health problems including anxiety, depression and coronary artery disease (CAD). This study investigated the prevalence, predictors and health impacts of insomnia and hypersomnia in southeastern Iran as well as the five-year incidence rate (IR) of these sleep disorders.
Method: The present study was a cross-sectional, single-stage, cluster sampling study examining nine CAD risk factors (KERCADR study phase two), including sleep disorders, carried out in Kerman on 9997 participants, 15 to 80 years old. Medical examination along with demographic, sleep status, Physical activity level (GPAQ), anxiety and depression status (Beck Inventories) were assessed and fasting blood sample was taken for blood glucose and lipids analysis. STATA v15 software was used for data analysis using survey data analysis package and a univariable survey logistic regression model.
Results: From 9997 participants, 59.4% were female. 45.3% of the participants were suffering from insomnia and hypersomnia, which was 15% more than the phase 1 prevalence (P < 0.001). Participants with insomnia had higher chance of being anxious, but participants with hypersomnia had higher chance of being depressed, be a cigarette smoker, opium user, and sedentary (P < 0.001). In regards to marital status, prevalence of hypersomnia was as follows in ascending order of prevalence: singles > married > widowed > divorced. While the IR of insomnia was higher in females, males had higher IR of hypersomnia. In addition, the IR of both sleep disorders was higher in participants with Low Physical Activity (LPA).
Conclusion: The results showed high current prevalence and increasing trends of sleep disorders in the past five years. If left unaddressed, burden of CVDs in the community will demonstrate a significant increase in the future as a result of sleep disorders and other associated risk factors.
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Issue | Vol 17 No 3 (2022) | |
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Coronary Artery Disease Incidence Mental Health Prevalence Sleep Disorders |
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