Original Article

Important Systemic Factors for Improving Adolescent Mental Health Literacy


Objective: Mental health literacy is especially important during adolescence and youth, because the peak of the onset of mental disorders occurs in this period. The present study aimed to identify the effective systemic factors for improving Iranian adolescent mental health literacy from the Perspective of policymakers and experts.

Method: This qualitative study was performed on 21 policymakers and health literacy/mental health experts since May 2020 to September 2020 in the workplace of the interviewees in Tehran. Purposive sampling (snowball method) was conducted based on experience, expertise, and the willingness to participate in an interview. All interviews were conducted with the presence of the interviewer at the interviewees' workplace in Tehran. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed via the conventional content analysis method.

Results: Five themes were extracted as systemic factors for improving adolescent mental health literacy. Themes were “mental health literacy training”, “integration and coordination of stakeholder organizations”, “resources and facilities”, “continuous assessment” and “provision of information.”

Conclusion: Before policy-making and planning to enhance adolescents' knowledge and awareness of mental health issues, it is necessary to attract policymakers’ attention to the macro level and identify direct and indirect strategies for the correct implementation of policies adopted in this field.

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DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/ijps.v18i1.11412
Adolescent Health Literacy Health Policy Mental Health

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How to Cite
Shahraki-Mohammadi A, Panahi S, Ashouri A, Sayarifard A. Important Systemic Factors for Improving Adolescent Mental Health Literacy. Iran J Psychiatry. 2022;18(1):45-54.