Depression and Suicidal Ideation among Patients Receiving Opioid Maintenance Treatments Considering Cognitive Flexibility
Objective: Cognitive flexibility is associated with psychiatric disorders. Drug addicts experience more psychiatric disorders. This research aimed to examine depression and suicidal ideation among those receiving opioid maintenance treatment (OMT), taking into account the mediating role of cognitive flexibility.
Method: This cross-sectional research was conducted on patients who were enrolled in the OMT program in Semnan in 2021 and abstained from opioid use for at least one year. 126 participants (115 males and 11 females) were randomly selected from among patients in three therapeutic groups (42 from each of the methadone, buprenorphine, and opium tincture groups). The main data collection tools were the Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation (BSSI), Cognitive Flexibility Inventory (CFI), and Beck Depression Scale (BDI-II). Data analysis was done through logistic regression models.
Results: Correlation analysis between depression scores, suicidal ideation, and cognitive flexibility showed a significant correlation between each of them. Adjusting for the type of treatment, the increase in cognitive flexibility was associated with a decreasing chance of depression (odds ratio [OR] = 0.87; 95% CI [0.82, 0.92]), and the use of buprenorphine (OR = 15.1) and opium tincture (OR = 9.3), compared to methadone, were associated with a depression increase. Yet, multivariate analysis did not show an independent and significant association between cognitive flexibility and the risk of suicide.
Conclusion: Based on the results, patients receiving maintenance treatments are in different conditions in terms of depression and suicide, and psychological flexibility is in correlation with depression and suicidal thinking and behavior in them. This suggests that these patients seem to benefit from cognitive training, at least in reducing their depression.
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Addiction Executive Function Depression Opioid Suicide |
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