Recovery-Oriented Practices in Community-based Mental Health Services: A Systematic Review
Objective: New initiatives are needed to manage patients with mental health problems in the community. Among the core principal ideals of any healthcare system is transition from traditional services to community-based practices. The aim of this study was to assess community-based and recovery-oriented practices and interventions for individuals with mental health problems.
Method: MESH keywords, including “mental health recovery”, “rehabilitation”, “aftercare”, “community psychiatry”, and “mental health service” were searched in scientific databases such as Medline, EMBASE, PsychInfo, CINAHL, and Cochrane up to July 2022. A snowball search was also conducted on eligible studies. The methodological quality of the studies was determined by Kmet standard criteria.
Results: The systematic review included 32 studies, all of which demonstrated a moderate to high promising effect for community-based and recovery-oriented practices or programs on patients with severe mental illness. These practices could help patients to find suitable jobs, avoid isolation and stigma, improve communication skills, increase awareness of problems, and foster independence. The study also highlighted the pivotal role of nurses, artistic and sports activities, electronic (E)-mental health, home visits, psychoeducation, and special recovery programs.
Conclusion: Community-based and recovery-oriented practices should be used as an effective means of normalizing the lives of psychiatric patients. In essence, by cultivating hope and empowering these patients, many of the concerns of health systems can be eradicated.
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Aftercare Community Mental Health Services Community Psychiatry Mental Health Recovery Systematic Review |
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