A Comparison of Effectiveness of Attention Process Training (APT) with Parenting Management Training (PMT) in Reducing Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Objective: Child-oriented psychotherapies, such as Attention Process Training (APT), target ADHD symptoms directly, whereas family-oriented interventions, like Parent Management Training (PMT), address its functional impairments. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of APT and PMT in treating ADHD symptoms.
Method: This research was a randomized controlled trial in which 45 children (26 females and 19 males, with a mean age of 8.47 ± 1.66 years) with ADHD were selected conveniently and assigned randomly to one of three groups (PMT = 15, APT = 15, and CTRL = 15). The groups had no significant differences in ADHD severity. The PMT children were managed with parenting techniques. Children in the APT group practiced attention techniques, while children in the control group did not receive any intervention. Ritalin was prescribed to all the children in the three groups. The score on the Conners Parenting Rating Scale-Revised: Short form was the outcome variable.
Results: Both interventions decreased ADHD symptoms severity more than the control group. Howver, the reduction in the APT group was more than in the PMT group (P-value < 0.001). The scores of 40% of the APT group and 80% of the PMT group did not fall below the cut-off point. In the APT group after the intervention, the inattention subscale was significantly lower than the hyperactivity subscale, while in the PMT group, the hyperactivity subscale was lower. The effect sizes of APT and PMT were 2.18 and 2.09, respectively.
Conclusion: For ADHD, psychological interventions are crucial in addition to medication. According to the results of this study, APT is more effective for inattention symptoms, while PMT is more effective for hyperactivity symptoms. When selecting psychotherapy, the subtype of ADHD should be taken into account. Treatment sessions must also be completed according to intervention protocols.
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Issue | Vol 19 No 3 (2024) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.18502/ijps.v19i3.15802 | |
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders Parenting Parent-Child Relationship Cognitive Psychotherapy Visual Auditory Spatial Processing |
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