Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on Quality of Life of Mothers of Children with Cerebral Palsy
Objective: The findings demonstrated that parents of children with cerebral palsy experience elevated levels of distress,
depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress symptom and subjective symptom of stress and low quality of life. Effective interventions targeting relapse have the potential to dramatically reduce the point prevalence of this condition. Many studies have shown that Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is an intervention that has shown efficacy in improving quality of life. In this study, the effect of Mindfulness –Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) on increasing quality of life in mothers of children with cerebral palsy has been examined.
Method: Three mothers of CP children with low scores on quality of life in WHOQOL-BREF inventory participated in this single- case study.
Results: Findings revealed that the MBCT program elevated quality of life of the participants. The improvement quotient for quality of life of each participant was good.
Conclusion: The results have implication for efficacy of mindfulness for improvement of psychosocial life of families of children with cerebral palsy.
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Issue | Vol 10 No 2 (2015) | |
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Cerebral Palsy Cognitive Therapy Mindfulness Quality of life |
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