Review Article

Psychological Adjustment Measures for Chronic Illness: A Narrative Review


Objective: Chronic illnesses carry substantial psychological implications, emphasizing the critical nature of psychological adaptation to these conditions. Adequate assessment tools are essential for gauging adaptation levels within this context. Thus, this study aims to conduct a thorough review of psychological adaptation instruments designed for chronic illnesses.

Method: This narrative review scrutinizes articles published from 1990 to November 2024 in both Persian and English languages, focusing on psychological adaptation to chronic illnesses. The search encompassed prominent scientific databases, including "SID", "Irandoc", "Web of Science", "PubMed", and "Scopus". Relevant keywords were employed to retrieve articles discussing adaptation tools for chronic illnesses. Subsequently, the "consensus-based standards for the selection of health measurement instruments" were applied to assess the psychometric properties of the identified tools.

Results: Within this study, the exploration identified 8 instruments tailored to measure psychological adaptation to chronic illnesses. These instruments encompass measures for psychological adaptation to cancer (Mini-Mac), adaptation to ostomy (OAS), adaptation to type 1 diabetes (DAS_1), adaptation to drug-resistant tuberculosis (AS_DRTBP), adaptation to type 2 diabetes (DAAS), psychosocial adaptation to Parkinson's disease (Psychosocial Adaptation in PD), psychosocial adaptation to HIV infection (MAHIVS), and adaptation to breast cancer (AIMI-IBC). However, comprehensive reporting of psychometric properties was often lacking for the majority of these instruments.

Conclusion: The outcomes of this study underscore the significance of employing valid and dependable instruments tailored to the unique requirements of individuals grappling with chronic illnesses. Given the pivotal role of psychological adaptation, the careful formulation and implementation of specialized measures are recommended to facilitate the design and psychometric evaluation of adaptation measurement tools pertinent to diverse chronic illnesses in Iran.

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IssueVol 20 No 2 (2025) QRcode
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Chronic Diseases Chronic Illness Measure Psychological Adaptation Psychological Adjustment

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How to Cite
Ebrahimgol F, Khanjani MS, Abdi K, Aarabi M, Latifian M. Psychological Adjustment Measures for Chronic Illness: A Narrative Review. Iran J Psychiatry. 2025;20(2):241-252.