
Post Traumatic stress Disorder and General Symptoms of Anxiety in Adolescent Survivors of Bam Earthquake


Objective: Reports of the prevalence of PTSD has been variable between 28-70% after the earthquake disaster in the city of Bam, among children. Several studies in adults have shown a high comorbidity of anxiety disorders as well. In this study we evaluated the frequency of PTSD and anxiety symptoms among adolescents in the period of 7-9 months after a large scale disaster (Bam earthquake).
In an epidemiologic study, we evaluated the PTSD and the severity of general symptoms of anxiety in adolescent survivors of Bam earthquake who had been directly exposed to the traumatic event. We used DSM-IV criteria and Posttraumatic Stress Scale (PSS) for PTSD diagnosis and Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale for evaluation of the anxiety symptoms.
Results: 284 adolescents at the ages of 11 to 18 with a mean age of 14.8 (SD=2.1) were recruited. 45.1% had PTSD and there were no statistical differences between boys and girls for PTSD symptoms. The girls had more anxiety symptoms than the boys.
One half of the adolescent survivors of Bam earthquake had post traumatic stress disorder. The girls had more anxiety symptoms.

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IssueVol 1 No 2 (2006) QRcode
Adolescent Anxiety Depression Iran Natural disaster Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

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How to Cite
Gholampoor E, Bina M, Mahmoudi-gharaei J, Mousavi SS, Eisar S. Post Traumatic stress Disorder and General Symptoms of Anxiety in Adolescent Survivors of Bam Earthquake. Iran J Psychiatry. 1;1(2):76-80.