
Cyberanalysis: Transference and Its Management in the Cyberspace


Objective: As psychiatrists or psychotherapists, many of us may have had contact with people by e-mail and/or through online ‘chat rooms’. These people may write to us about their various problems, especially in their interpersonal relationships; discuss their queries about conflicts with their spouse, partner, and friends; or complained of low self-esteem and problems at work. In this article, we will try to discuss certain considerations and opinions about the possibility of insight-oriented psychotherapy in the domain of ‘virtual reality'.
This study was based on clinical observation of the first Two cases of ‘Cyberanalysis’ were described. The management of transference and countertransference, the analysis of defenses in this context, and possible reasons for success and failure of each case were discussed.
We have witnessed the formation of a transferential relationship between the ‘client’ and the therapists after a matter of months. One of the client had a satisfactory outcome and the other represented a therapeutic failure.
Conclusion: This type of psychotherapy may provide a novel opportunity for therapists to move toward the internal world of the patient Compared to ‘real world’ therapies. This modality of therapy also has its own advantages and shortcomings.

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IssueVol 1 No 2 (2006) QRcode
Computer-assisted Psychotherapy Telemedicine Remote consultation

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Bahadoran P, Firoozabadi A. Cyberanalysis: Transference and Its Management in the Cyberspace. Iran J Psychiatry. 1;1(2):81-83.