Do Males and Females Differ in Recovering from PTSD Symptoms?
Objective: The present study focuses on the effectiveness of problem-solving training program on female and male PTSD survivors of Bam earthquake in Iran.
Method: Female and male subjects were requested to fill in several questionnaires including clinical interview, coping skills questionnaire, and a demographic form. The subjects also participated in a problem-solving training program.
Results: The results showed that the training program was effective for both sex groups. The sex groups did not show significant differences on PTSD symptoms in the post-test phase. Females tended to maintain their emotionfocused skills in post-test phase while the males did not. However, for both groups the mean scores of problem coping skills similarity increased. Although the mean scores of some PTSD symptoms were increased for the female group, the majority of PTSD symptoms decreased for both sexes in the posttest phase.
Conclusion: It may be concluded that females are more likely to show PTSD symptoms than males. In addition, they may predispose to maintain negative attitudes towards life events than males.
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Issue | Vol 3 No 1 (2008) | |
Section | Articles | |
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Earthquakes Iran Gender Posttraumatic stress disorder Problem solving |
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