Validation and Psychometric Properties of Mobile Phone Problematic Use Scale (MPPUS) in University Students of Tehran
Objective: Despite the fact that the mobile phone has become a pervasive technology of our time, little research has been done on mobile dependency. Therefore, a valid and reliable instrument, conforming to Iranian culture seems essential. The aim of our study was to validate the Iranian version of MPPUS (Mobile Phone Problematic Use Scale).
Methods: This was a cross-sectional research, in which data were collected from 600 students studying at Tehran universities. Stratified sampling method was used to collect data. All participants completed Demographic Questionnaire, Cellular Phone Dependency Questionnaire (CPDQ) anonymously. Finally, a clinical interview (based on DSM-IV-TR) was conducted with 100 participants. Data were analyzed using concurrent validity, factor analysis, internal consistency (Cronbach's'α), split half, test-retest and ROC Curve by SPSS18 Software.
Results: As a result of reliability analysis and factor analysis by principal component and Varimax rotation, we extracted three factors including preoccupation, withdrawal symptoms and overuse of mobile phones in both males and females. Internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) of the MPPUS was .91; Cronbach's alpha of the factors was .87, .70, .82 respectively. The test-retest correlation of the MPPUS was .56. The best cut off point for this questionnaire (MPPUS) was 160.
Conclusion: The MPPUS proved to be a reliable questionnaire with adequate factor models to assess the extent of problems caused by the "misuse" of mobile phones in the Iranian society; however, further studies are needed on this topic.
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MPPUS Psychometric Properties Students Tehran Validatio |
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