
Comparing Locus of Control, Assertiveness and General Health among Young Drug Addicts in Iran


Objective:The aim of this research was to compare the characteristics of assertiveness, locus of control and general health among young drug dependent patients in Iran. Methods: Three groups of Iranians: were choosed. The first group included drug dependent patients who had volunteered for treatment and had registered in the local Welfare Organization; the second group included dependent patients who were in the prison; and the third group held nondependent patients. All the participants were male and were matched for age and educational level . The following instruments were used in the present study: locus of control uestionnaire , Assertiveness Scale and the General Health Questionnaire, GHQ. Results: The results of the present research showed that there were significant differences among the three groups in ssertiveness, locus of control and GHQ scores. It was found that participants in the non addictive group were more assertive and more internal in their locus of control and had higher GHQ scores than the other two groups. The participants in the prison group reported less assertiveness and lower GHQ scores than the non addictive group ; and their locus of control was more external. Conclusion: The results this study may be useful in terms of possible strategies for changing an attributive style in young adults in the framework of psychotherapy
IssueVol 4 No 2 (2009) QRcode

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How to Cite
Shahidi S, Jafari M. Comparing Locus of Control, Assertiveness and General Health among Young Drug Addicts in Iran. Iran J Psychiatry. 1;4(2):46-51.