Self-Regulation and Dimensions of Parenting Styles Predict Psychological Procrastination of Undergraduate Students
Objective: Previous research has linked self regulation and parenting styles separately to academic procrastination. This article investigates the impact of the dimensions of parenting styles, behavioral self regulation and short term self regulation on procrastination of students.
Method: A sample of 249 adolescents (174 females and 75 male) aged 19 - 21 years completed measures of Parent as Social Context Questionnaire- Adolescent Report, Self-regulation Questionnaire (SRQ), Adolescent Self- Regulatory Inventory (ASRI) and Procrastination Tendency scale. Correlation coefficient indicted that in contrast to harsh or unsupportive parenting (rejection, chaos, and coercion), authoritative parenting (warmth, structure, and autonomy support) was inversely related with procrastination.
Results: The results of hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed a clear negative relationship between a students' short term self regulation, dimensions of parenting styles (structure and warmth) and procrastination consistent with the literature.
Conclusions: Surprisingly, in contrast to behavioral self regulation of Miler& Brown, short term self regulation was found to be negatively related to procrastination.
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Education Educational psychology Parenting Self concept Students |
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