Original Article

Correlates of Process of Suicide Attempt and Perception of its Prevention


Objective: Suicide attempt may follow a process right from the inception of the first information about ‎suicide until the act itself. This study was conducted to determine the relationship between ‎perception of suicide prevention with the process of suicide attempt and demographic ‎variables following a suicidal attempt.‎
Method: In this hospital based cross-sectional study, 168 consecutive admitted participants with a ‎suicide attempt were screened, and 109 who met the study criteria were recruited to ‎participate in this study before discharge. They were assessed using the socio-demographic ‎and clinical proforma designed for this study as well as by the Pierce Suicide Intent Scale. To ‎assess the process of suicide attempt and perception of suicide prevention, a 17- item ‎questionnaire was developed and used after rigorous literature search. The Cronbach’s ‎alpha coefficient value of this questionnaire found to be 0.84 in the reliability analysis.‎
Results: Media was the first source of information, and the majority had short duration of ‎preoccupation and interval between making the decision and the actual attempt and the ‎control of emotion during the attempt. A significant positive correlation was observed ‎between the source of the first information and age (p<01), reason for the method used and ‎economic status (p<01), duration since the first information and family history of suicide (p<01). Psychiatric diagnosis had a statistically significant association with the method used (p<01), duration of preoccupation (p<01), preparedness (p<01) and emotional state during ‎the attempt (p<01). A statistically significant negative correlation was found between the ‎source of the first information and education (p<01), any psychiatric diagnosis and duration ‎since the first death wish (p<01). On the score of perception about suicide prevention, a ‎significant group difference was observed for marital status, occupation, medical diagnosis, ‎opinion about an attempt, duration since the decision to attempt, and emotional control ‎during the attempt.‎
Conclusion: Based on the findings, it can be concluded that perception of suicide prevention may vary ‎with the process of suicide attempts and demographic characteristics.‎

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IssueVol 11 No 3 (2016) QRcode
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Correlation Process of Suicide Attempt Perception of Suicide Prevention

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How to Cite
Ram D, Mahegowda D, Gowdappa H B. Correlates of Process of Suicide Attempt and Perception of its Prevention. Iran J Psychiatry. 2016;11(3):178-184.