Adaptation of the Pharmacological Management of Delirium in ICU Patients in Iran: Introduction and Definition
Objective: Delirium is a brain dysfunction syndrome. In most cases, this syndrome is neither diagnosed accurately nor treated properly. The incidence of delirium by itself increases hospitalization period, mortality rate and the cost in health spectrum. If appropriate attempts are not made to treat this complication, the outcomes could become worse. Thus, the present study aimed at conducting a review on medications which are prescribed to treat delirium and establishing a general view on their advantages and disadvantages.
Method: By searching Google Scholar, PsycINFO, Scopus, and PubMed databases as well as hand searching in key journals, data were collected without time and language limitation. After collecting the data, comparing the similar or contradictory information, and sorting them, the views of specialists were inquired and duly received via email. By acquiring consensus of opinions, the secondary manuscript was written in a narrative review form.
Discussion: This narrative review paper aimed at providing a general view on defining delirium, the pathologic factors that create it, and treating this syndrome based on its development. Authentic evidence regarding delirium management was reviewed and a treatment strategy was suggested for Iranian patients.
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Section | Review Article(s) | |
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Antipsychotics Delirium Intensive Care Unit Prmacological Treatment |
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