Review Article

The Impact of Chronic Exercise on Cognitive Function: An Overview of Reviews


Objective: Understanding the associations between cognitive function and chronic exercise has gained significant attention in the last decade. This overview aims to consolidate current knowledge and shed light on potential benefits of long-term exercise on cognitive abilities.

Method: Relevant databases, including Scopus, PubMed, and Web of Science, were searched through predefined keywords related to chronic exercise and cognitive function. We included all relevant systematic-reviews and meta-analysis in our data-synthesizing.

Results: We identified 74 references across PubMed (33), Scopus (35), and Web of Sciences (6). After deduplication, 52 unique references remained. Screening by title and abstract yielded 28 relevant studies. Full-text review based on inclusion criteria resulted in nine eligible articles. Most were meta-analyses, examining 10 to 71 randomized controlled trials on executive functions across various age groups and health statuses. Both acute and chronic exercises demonstrated small to moderate positive effects on cognitive functions, with chronic exercise outcomes influenced by type, duration, frequency, session length, age, and cognitive status.

Conclusion: Extensive research underscores a robust and compelling link between involving in regular, long-term physical exercise and enhancement of cognitive functioning. This connection emphasizes the critical role that consistent physical activity plays in safeguarding mental well-being and maintaining sharp cognitive abilities throughout various life stages. Positive effect of sustained physical exercise on cognitive functioning serves as a compelling reason to integrate exercise as a fundamental component of a holistic approach to mental wellness and cognitive longevity.

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Cognitive Function Exercise Mental Health Physical Activity Psychiatric Disorders

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Abdalkareem Jasim S, Singh M, Al-Dhalimy AMB, Zwamel AH, Jawad IA, Shalaby NS. The Impact of Chronic Exercise on Cognitive Function: An Overview of Reviews. Iran J Psychiatry. 2024;19(4):463-472.